“I am”

Our Self-Concept is –what we believe “who we are”.  “Who we are” is not a fixed concept. It can be revised with changing context and kept current. Our beliefs drive our thoughts & and feelings and, in turn, our behaviour. Our behaviour is – how do we act or react to a particular situation. Our self-esteem gets reinforced by doing what is aligned with our self-concept.

Viktor Frankl, an Austrian neurologist, and psychiatrist chose to remain motivated inside the Hitlor’s concertation camp to remain alive for achieving the larger meaning of his life. His family members and other jail-mates died. But he survived holocaust and later contributed immensely in the field of human motivation and human psychology.


Our mind is a meaning making machine. If we consciously take charge of this meaning making machine, we can turn off our GPS (grief, pity & shame) and discard the outlived beliefs. This way, rejuvenated self-concept helps us create impactful results, growth, self-esteems, and joy.


My friendly advice to you would be —Sit calmly and reflect on your own self-concept. Are the constituent beliefs serving you well? If not, revise them and unshackle yourself to become a better version!

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